Friday, January 6, 2012

The Homeschool Mother's Journal Friday January 6th 2012

In my life this week…  Our house has been quarantined since last Thurs 12-29-11 because Mazlyn woke up in the morning with one of his eyes stuck shut with "gunk".  I knew that he most likely had pink eye so I made an appointment right away and sure enough conjunctivitis and double ear infections.  So.... nasty smelling (and tasting I'm assuming) antibiotics were started and he started looking and acting better by Sunday.  So naturally Sunday morning both Alyvia and Wyatt started having the "gunk" and coughing.  Wyatt slept most of the day away and when he was awake he had a fever of 102.  Monday morning I called and made an appointment for the other two to be seen by the doctor and they were diagnosed with bronchitis, ear infections and pink eye.  So more antibiotics and eye drops were added to the docket.  The kids have been doing well taking their medicine but school has not exactly been smooth sailing this week. 
In our homeschool this week…  Alyvia's homeschool program at the YMCA started back up on Thursday.  We had been on Winter break since early November so it was nice to see our friends and to have her excited about going.  Since the kids had all been on antibiotics for more than 48 hours I figured it was safe for us to venture out and participate this week.
I am inspired by…  All the amazing Homeschool Mom's that I meet either in person (like at the Y) or on the internet.  I have come to realize that we all have our own strengths and weaknesses but we can learn some very valuable things from each other.
Places we’re going and people we’re seeing…  The Y this week for Homeschool program, hopefully making a visit to see Grandparents this weekend and maybe a trip to the Museum of Play next week (before our membership runs out.)
My favorite thing this week was…  When Wyatt (3)  looked me in the eye after taking his medicine and said "Did I take it like your champ Mom??"  I melted into a puddle right there.  He's growing up soooo fast.  And they remember everything.
What’s working/not working for us…  School is very loose around here right now as we prepare to put our house on the market so we can move to a bigger/better house.  Lyvi is learning daily, it's just not always workbooks and readers.
Things I’m working on… Staging our house for sale and getting organized in my head.  Lol.  Funny right??
I’m reading… The Bible daily,  several womanish magazines on the Nook and of course tons of children's books for my three little book lovers.
I’m cooking…  Yeah about this, one of my New Years resolutions is to cook.  I always seem to plan the meals but Tom usually ends up making them.  I am going to try to curb that habit a little.  For his sake and my own.  Lol.
I’m grateful for… Life, love and family.  
I’m praying for… Peace.
A photo, video, link, or quote to share…

Thanks for visiting and feel free to follow us through this homeschool journey we are on.  Till next time.


Monday, January 2, 2012

Happy New Year!!

So, it is officially 2012!!  Hooray!!  Not that it's a big deal but this year I have actually made and written down several (okay maybe 30 or so...) resolutions.  Nothing too unrealistic.  Some examples would be no yelling, make more home cooked meals, take better care of myself and start blogging regularly (meaning at least once a week).  I have reviewed my list a few times and have even added a few things that I have thought of since my initial drafting.  I'm very happy and excited about it and I plan on keeping every single one of them.

Now to the good (or not so good) first blog entry of the New Year.

On Thursday December 29th. 2011 our youngest Mazlyn (17 months) was diagnosed with pink eye (conjunctivitis) and double ear infections.  The Doctor forewarned me that it would be close to impossible for me to prevent the oldest two from getting it as well so..... Happy New Year to the Fuchs Family!!

Wyatt, 3 has the worst case of it.  Along with his pink eye he also has an ear infection in his left ear and bronchitis. He has had no appetite for 2+ days now and he is visibly sick.  When he is awake (which is not very often throughout the day) he is clingy and quiet.

 Alyvia, 5 who is normally our terror (God love her) has also been infected.  She has pink eye in only one eye, double ear infections and bronchitis.  She is not terrorizing like normal but she is still keeping her title.  Very whiney, still not liking to keep her clothes on and coughing like a barking dog.  Poor thing I know but it is a nice break from the normal.  This is also helping me to keep the "no yelling" resolution.

 Needless to say we have a pharmacy in the fridge.  All three of them have oral medication that needs to be administered twice a day (different doses of course).  And the older two have some lovely eye drops that they need to have dropped in four times a day.  Luckily all three of them take their medicine like CHAMPS.  Otherwise I may be trying to run away.  Lol.

The Daddy is also sick.  Mainly with the cough and runny nose but,  his eyes are itchy too and he's not very fun to be around.  I love him but when he is sick..... he's not much fun.  Lol.  But, who is right??

Anyways, along with my list of personal resolutions, the family has also made a list of "Promises to Jesus" (for his birthday but, all the same for the next year.)  Some of those include saying Grace to God before each meal, eating together as a family, obeying our Mommy and Daddy and being kind to everyone.  I am very excited about these as well.  I think our family is getting to the point where we can understand the significance and create good habits for a lifetime.  Fingers crossed.

For now I'd say I have successfully blogged for the first time in 2012.  You are now up to date with the Fuchs family.  Hopefully I will keep this resolution.

God Bless!!
