Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Homeschool Update Week 3

The Fuchs Academy Homeschool progress Sept 26-Oct 3

This week in our homeschooling journey we learned about cows. The letter of the week was "C", number 3, color pink and shape heart. We had tons of fun reading funny stories about cows and doing our different craft activities.
The week started out terribly for us though.  I was sick Monday and Tuesday with a headache that could have killed someone who's not a mother.  Of course I had to forge through it and make sure that all 3 of my babies were at least fed and clothed properly and that they were safe and sound all day long.  School however took a back burner these few days because I was in no shape to organize, supervise and teach any lessons to the kids especially lessons that involved A LOT of loud "Mooooooooing".  Lol.

Tuesday though we decided to go to the mall with Aunt Jawni to find a birthday gift for Grandma Winter.

Here is Wyatt in the food court eating his lunch.
When we got home Grandma and Grandpa Winter were here to put in my new birdfeeder that my Daddy had made me for my Birthday.  Here is Aunt Jawni and Wyatt out in the yard  watching.  (Wyatt had just been forced to wake up from his nap.)
So, on Wednesday we picked up with our normal school schedule.  I attempted to cram 3 days worth of activities into one and the kids were not very accepting of it.  I find with them only being 4 and 2 one craft activity a day is plenty.  Even though they may be begging for a second after the first is finished by the time I get another one set up the idea has fizzled and they are off reading books or playing quietly with each other and the thought of another craft is not appealing anymore.
So we introduced the letter of the week "C" and did this fun craft.

Next I had the kids do another craft that was along the same lines with the shape of the week.

We then read some books about cows actually one in particular I found very interesting and informative about dairy cows. 

On Thursday I had a cow puppet craft prepared and Alyvia was more excited about it than I was.
My children love to play with the glue sticks and I hate that the glue seems to end up on the table more than the paper.

Here is Lyvi Shaye hard at work coloring her cow.

She named her "Cassie the Cow"

Wyatt had fun glueing his cow but, ended up ripping her arms off and losing her ears so she went straight to the recycle bin.  ; (

We met Great Grandma and Grandpa, Uncle Nate and Grandma Fuchs at Burger King for dinner and then....

Mommy and Daddy had a Grange meeting to go to Thursday night so of course all 3 of the kids came too.
Here is Mr. Mazlyn sitting with his Great Grandma VanLare, and that is Grandma Fuchs' arm too.
Uncle Nate and Great Grandpa were there too.

Friday we took a day off to go garage saleing.  I mapped us out a nice route and ended up finding a lot of things that we had been looking for.  Mazlyn got a jumperoo and I found pants for Miss Alyvia for $2 a pair.  I also was able to get several Level 1 readers for the kids for only a quarter a piece.  I was so happy and I felt really good about skipping school to find these excellent bargains. 

Saturday was the same as always, lazy morning followed by Paradise in the afternoon/evening.  Other than the fact that there was a huge cart race and Alyvia decided to be a little devil everything went great.

Sunday we all went to church.  Unfortunately we drove seperately because the boys needed the extra time to get ready but, Alyvia enjoyed her second day of Sunday school and it was Bring your Pet to church to be blessed Sunday so my children really enjoyed seeing all the animals that people brought.  Tom and I had decided however that having 3 children to take care of and chase after was enough so our dog Radar was there in spirit.  Lol. 

So, that pretty much sums up last week.  This week we are learning all about dinosaurs and resuming our normal schedule.  Or something close to what I want to consider normal.  Lol.