Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Homeschool Update Week 3

The Fuchs Academy Homeschool progress Sept 26-Oct 3

This week in our homeschooling journey we learned about cows. The letter of the week was "C", number 3, color pink and shape heart. We had tons of fun reading funny stories about cows and doing our different craft activities.
The week started out terribly for us though.  I was sick Monday and Tuesday with a headache that could have killed someone who's not a mother.  Of course I had to forge through it and make sure that all 3 of my babies were at least fed and clothed properly and that they were safe and sound all day long.  School however took a back burner these few days because I was in no shape to organize, supervise and teach any lessons to the kids especially lessons that involved A LOT of loud "Mooooooooing".  Lol.

Tuesday though we decided to go to the mall with Aunt Jawni to find a birthday gift for Grandma Winter.

Here is Wyatt in the food court eating his lunch.
When we got home Grandma and Grandpa Winter were here to put in my new birdfeeder that my Daddy had made me for my Birthday.  Here is Aunt Jawni and Wyatt out in the yard  watching.  (Wyatt had just been forced to wake up from his nap.)
So, on Wednesday we picked up with our normal school schedule.  I attempted to cram 3 days worth of activities into one and the kids were not very accepting of it.  I find with them only being 4 and 2 one craft activity a day is plenty.  Even though they may be begging for a second after the first is finished by the time I get another one set up the idea has fizzled and they are off reading books or playing quietly with each other and the thought of another craft is not appealing anymore.
So we introduced the letter of the week "C" and did this fun craft.

Next I had the kids do another craft that was along the same lines with the shape of the week.

We then read some books about cows actually one in particular I found very interesting and informative about dairy cows. 

On Thursday I had a cow puppet craft prepared and Alyvia was more excited about it than I was.
My children love to play with the glue sticks and I hate that the glue seems to end up on the table more than the paper.

Here is Lyvi Shaye hard at work coloring her cow.

She named her "Cassie the Cow"

Wyatt had fun glueing his cow but, ended up ripping her arms off and losing her ears so she went straight to the recycle bin.  ; (

We met Great Grandma and Grandpa, Uncle Nate and Grandma Fuchs at Burger King for dinner and then....

Mommy and Daddy had a Grange meeting to go to Thursday night so of course all 3 of the kids came too.
Here is Mr. Mazlyn sitting with his Great Grandma VanLare, and that is Grandma Fuchs' arm too.
Uncle Nate and Great Grandpa were there too.

Friday we took a day off to go garage saleing.  I mapped us out a nice route and ended up finding a lot of things that we had been looking for.  Mazlyn got a jumperoo and I found pants for Miss Alyvia for $2 a pair.  I also was able to get several Level 1 readers for the kids for only a quarter a piece.  I was so happy and I felt really good about skipping school to find these excellent bargains. 

Saturday was the same as always, lazy morning followed by Paradise in the afternoon/evening.  Other than the fact that there was a huge cart race and Alyvia decided to be a little devil everything went great.

Sunday we all went to church.  Unfortunately we drove seperately because the boys needed the extra time to get ready but, Alyvia enjoyed her second day of Sunday school and it was Bring your Pet to church to be blessed Sunday so my children really enjoyed seeing all the animals that people brought.  Tom and I had decided however that having 3 children to take care of and chase after was enough so our dog Radar was there in spirit.  Lol. 

So, that pretty much sums up last week.  This week we are learning all about dinosaurs and resuming our normal schedule.  Or something close to what I want to consider normal.  Lol.

Monday, October 4, 2010

Eight Questions From Tristan at Our Busy Homeschool

I love reading Tristans blog at Our Busy Homeschool and today she had this great blog activity posted.  She asked these 8 questions so I decided to answer them and send her the link.  Here we go.

1.) What is one food or meal you love to eat that your family does not enjoy, so you don’t make it often?

I absolutely love kidney beans and corn and my family (husband especially) does not care for them.  I will only make it for myself when we are having a "fend for yourself" dinner and it is the only thing I eat.

2.) Tell me one thing you swore you would never do when you were a parent, but since having children of your own you have actually done.

My Mom was very overprotective and I never understood why.  (I was not allowed to go to friends houses, walk the mall alone, play outside alone ect.)  I thought she was nuts but now that I have children of my own I realize I have turned into my mother (I may even be worse than she was.)  I don't trust anyone (but my parents) with my children and I always forsee the worst possible outcome of every situation that arises.  I said I would never make my children feel the way about me that my Mom made me feel about her but, guess what..... now that I am a Mom I don't care how they feel about me as long as they are safe and healthy.
3.) What character issue is God working on in your life right now?

I feel God is working on my ability to let the little things go. 

4.) What is your favorite household chore? How about your least favorite chore?

My favorite household chore would be making beds.  There is just something about the satisfaction I feel after I make them perfect and the way it makes me feel when I put my kids to sleep in their nice neat beds at night.  I also love getting into a made bed versus an unmade one.

My least favorite chore is dishes.  I really don't like dishes.
5.)  As a homeschool mom, what is one area you feel you do well in, and one area you struggle with?

One thing that I feel I do well as a homeschool mom would be teaching my children in a way that makes them excited about learning and "school".  We are only doing preschool at the moment but, my children can't seem to get enough of it.  And they retain every bit of information it seems. 

I do have an issue with not keeping to my schedule.  Maybe I plan too much or just run out of "teacher steam" short of completeing everything that is prepared for any given week/unit.
6.)  Would you rather eat health food or exercise regularly?

I would rather excercise regularly because when I excercise it makes me have more energy to do the regular things life as a mom requires me to do.

7.) What is one thing you love about your husband, and one thing that drives you bonkers?

I love (and am very thankful to God) that my hubby is so interested and involved in his family and the kids schooling.  I know that my children will be better people because they are learning from both their Mom and their Dad about life, relationships, friends and all their school subjects.

I can't stand the way he can recall all sorts of sports information that has absolutely no purpose or importance in our lives but something he and I talked about in dept yesterday he can't recall.  It makes me feel terrible.
8.)  When your kids all leave the nest what is one job you would like to try in all your free time?

I would like to be a freelance writer and possibly a church secretary/assistant.

Thanks Tristan!! 
I had fun and I hope you enjoyed reading my answers.

Monday, September 27, 2010

Homeschool Update Week 2

The Fuchs Academy Homeschool progress Sept. 18th-26th
This week in our homeschooling journey we learned about balloons and played with them too.  The letter of the week was "B", number 2, color blue and shape oval.  The kids really enjoyed playing with the punch balloons and reading books about balloons and hot air balloons.

Lyvi really enjoyed making her Bumble "B" one day while her brothers were napping.
I actually got the idea from one of my favorite blogs.
One of the things I like about homeschooling is the fact that my
children can stay in their pajamas all day if they so desire.
(And we have no plans or playdates that would require otherwise.)  Lol.

Daddy also made the kids some fun Balloon hats.

That really made us laugh.

This was Tom's favorite.  He called him the indian chief.  Lol.

On Wednesday we had friends over to play for quite a while.  They are 2 and 4 months old and their parents are planning to homeschool them just like us so while the Moms talked the kids played and we all had a really nice time.  It was kind of a day off from homeschooling but we were getting a good dose of "socialization" so I am still counting it.  After all we all know how that concerns every non~homeschooling person under the sun right??

Wyatt colored many lovely pictures this week of balloons, ovals, Buzz Lightyear (his favorite) and the letter "B".  He and his sister were allowed to use the glue to stick their letter "B" I had cut out to a blue piece of construction paper and they loved the glueing experience so much this week I am going to do another activity that involves the good old glue stick.

On Friday all three of my lovely children were headed to the Doctors for their well child visits.  Mazlyn's was 2 month, Wyatt's 2 year and Alyvia's 4 year.  We had put them off for a few months because we know how busy the doctors office is in July and August because of all the public school children who are required to have their immunizations within a certain amount of time so, we wait until they are all back in school because we have no requirements.  I started telling our kids at the beginning of the week that Friday we had doctors appointments scheduled and there would be shots administered.  We even read a book about going to the doctor and pretended to check each others heartbeats and breathing with our pretend stethoscope and we checked out each others ears too.  The kids were really prepared or so I thought.  We got there and Lyvi was nervous,  I could tell because she wouldn't sit still.  When the nurse called us back Lyvi told Tom and I that she didn't need to go and we had to coax her along.  The nurse checked her height and weight and then started to put us in a room and the fire alarm started to go off.  We were escorted outside by our Doctor and we got to sit in the sun and wait.  Wyatt kept asking over and over again "Whats that sound Mommy??  Whats that sound??"  So the trip to the Doctors office turned into a lesson on fire alarms and fire safety.  We missed the fire truck and the fire men however because we were taken out the back door and they arrived and checked the building through the front. : (   Afterwards we were taken back into the office and all three of the kids were checked out and given a thumbs up.  Then came the fun part..... shots.  I had Wyatt go first because he is my "Champ".  He was only given the flu vaccine in his leg and he didn't even flinch.  He watch Diane stick him, looked at me funny and then continued to read his book.  Lyvi went next and basically flipped out like a 4 year old drama queen,  I don't really blame her though because she was given 5 shots so...  Then it was my babys turn.  Mazlyn had to get three shots and he cried as any 2 month old would.  I do it because I love them though and like all the paperwork says "shots may hurt a little but illness can hurt a lot more." 

After the Doctors visit we got to head out to Oswego for the Race of Champions. 
While we were there Wyatt enjoyed playing with his cars in the tower.  I love him so!!

Saturday was my birthday and my dear friend Toni made me these beautiful cupcakes and it made me feel so special.  Tom and I worked a special show at Paradise and did an awesome job.  I am more than confident about us taking over next year.  I know we can handle it.

On Sunday Alyvia and I went to church alone because we had gotten home so late on Saturday night (Sunday morning really) I figured it would be easier to just let the boys sleep in and enjoy some time together.  That also meant that Lyv and I were able to enjoy some alone time.
Lyvi started Sunday school this week and I took it pretty hard.  I think she needs to be able to take instruction from other adults sometimes though and I hate to say this phrase twice in one post but, it also gives her some "socialization" time.  And she has a few church friends that she absolutely adores.  I was also able to talk to Pastor Susan (My second Mom) and spend some time alone with my thoughts.  I can't wait till next week.  Except the boys won't be getting out of it this time.

That pretty much sums up our week.  Now we have started our next letter and theme.  We are doing the letter "C" and the theme for the week is Cows.  Oh the fun we are slated to have.  Tune in next week for the update.  Till then.

Monday, September 20, 2010

Busy But Fun Weekend!!

This past weekend was very busy but, incredibly worthwhile.  Tom had the day off Friday which meant that we got an extra long weekend with our Daddy.  He helped me do the apple print craft because with two young children and paint two adults is a really good plan.  I also love how involved he is with his children and their schooling.  It makes me feel like I am not alone in this thing called homeschooling. 

Saturday morning we were up earlier than we are on a normal Saturday but that was because we had to take our children to my Mom and Dad's house.  My parents were nice enough to watch Lyv and Wyatt overnight so that Tom and I could both score Paradise and earn some extra money.  When we arrived at my parents we found them both tearing a window out of the barn.  Home improvement projects were planned for the weekend.  Ones that my Dad had been putting off all summer because the weather had been so perfect for riding the bike.  Well, I stole my Mom away and so Tom ended up in the middle of it all along with my brother.  Pictures were a must so.....
Then Foreman Wyatt had to get in on the action.  So.....

There he is telling his Daddy what to do.  Lol.

My parents mentioned that they might take the kids to the zoo that afternoon and Tom and I thought it was a great idea.  I'm so glad my Mom remembered to bring the camera because they got a few nice shots to catalog the "field trip".  Here are just a few......

Here is Alyvia looking at the alligators (or are they crocodiles??  I can't tell the difference.)

My Dad with Alyvia and Wyatt.

Love this.  They are so silly!!

So, Tom and I went to Paradise with just Mazlyn and we had an okay time.  I was rather nervous because I was doing everything myself without Debbie but, there were no problems what~so~ever.  Now the real test will be next Saturday.  We shall see how it goes.

Sunday morning I got up rather early because I had a million things that I wanted to get done before we went to get the kids.  First on my list was super cleaning out my van.  I started at 7:15 and didn't wrap up till almost 10.  I vacuumed and washed windows and figured out new seating arrangements for the kids (don't ask).  Well, I knew that my parents were probably tired out from all the excitment of having their grandchildren with them overnight so I gave up on accomplishing anything else.  Tom, Mazy and I hit the road about 10:15 and arrived at my parents about 11.  I was just planning on stopping, picking up children and then heading home again but, Tom found other things to do. Like helping my Dad and brother put a new roof on their shed.  I love how he helps them but all I could think about were the things I didn't get to in the morning that I was planning on using the afternoon to accomplish.  Of course I had to take pictures though.

Notice the audience....

Then they put my daughter on the roof to have her weight help the glue adhere. 
Great thing to teach them right??

Needless to say we didn't end up leaving until after 4pm.  We had to stop to WalMart on the way home for a few things so we didn't get back till close to 7pm.  Not much was accomplished around my house this weekend but, we payed my parents in labor for babysitting the kids overnight.  Lol.

Friday, September 17, 2010

Homeschool week 1 and a 1/2

The Fuchs Academy Homeschool progress Sept. 8th-17th
We started our first official year of homeschooling on Wed. Sept. 8th 2010.  Alyvia (4) will be homeschooled in Preschool/Kindergarten and Wyatt (2) will be homeschooled in Preschool.  They are both eager to learn and I am here to teach them and guide them in the best way I know how.  So.... we begin this thing called homeschooling that I have been talking about for the past 4+ years.  I'm excited and nervous but determined not to fail.  Tom is supportive and helping me in many ways.  

So.... the first week and a half have been interesting.  We are trying to get the hang of this routine thing because I have never really followed one.  I'm regretting it now but what can I do??  The kids are loving the daily activites that have included:
Going apple picking with Great Grandma
Baking an apple pie.
Having apple shaped jell~o jigglers for snack.
Learning all about apples.
and making apple prints on paper bags.
You can probably tell that our theme these past few weeks was apples.  We also made apple crisp, apple muffins and applesauce for our little brother.  Apples were present everyday from baking to coloring to books borrowed from the library.  Our shape was circle, letter "A", number 1.  We are progressing very well in my opinion and I am excited for next week.  Our theme will be balloons.  Shape=oval, letter "B", number 2.  Till then I will be using every teachable moment to better my children.

Life these past few months.

Well.... I havn't posted since June and as you would imagine a lot has happened. Lyvi turned 4 in June and I am still in shock two months later. We have a four year old. Then on July 15th perfect Mazlyn was born and when I say perfect I mean perfect. 8 lbs 7 oz and the doctors (5 total) all said they couldn't find a single thing wrong with him. I have adjusted to having three children rather well. My house has been cleaner longer than ever before. I have set routines and I am abiding by them for the most part. Also working at the races is working out too. We have started homeschooling both Alyvia and Wyatt in preschool/kindergarten and I will be using the blog to catalog our progress. I think it will be a sort of scrapbook, if you will, of our homeschool journey and the development of our 3 babies into what we hope will be excellent human beings. Let the fun begin. We hope you will stick around to read about all our exciting adventures.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010


Alyvia's 4th Birthday is Sunday and her party is scheduled for the afternoon from 2-4. We didn't go crazy inviting people like we usually do we only invited the really important relatives and friends. We are hoping that the weather stays nice and we don't have to cram everyone into our living room. My to~do list is of course HUGE and I am trying to figure out when I am going to have the time to do everything. Todays tasks include "Super Cleaning" the kitchen, laundry area and bathroom, going to order Princess' cake, and trying to get the outdoors somewhat cleaned and ready. For now we are headed on errands and hoping to not go totally nuts.

Monday, May 24, 2010

Homeschool/Baby/Summer Preparations

I have soooo much on my mind. I am worried about starting to officially homeschool Alyvia in preschool starting in Aug/Sept, I'm worried about having another baby in July and I'm worried that this beautiful summer weather and atmosphere will turn to fall (and then winter) way too fast.

For now I am collecting resources, setting goals, and trying to be realistic with my expectations for homeschooling. I know that everything that I "plan" could end up being scrapped by Oct. I know that getting into habits and setting schedules is difficult for one person and I am going to try to make and perfect a homeschool schedule that will meet the needs of not just myself but also Alyvia (the guinea pig of sorts) Wyatt (who I feel will be just as interested in "school" as his sister) Mazlyn (who will have needs that I will have to meet while maintaining a structured day) Tom (who will be supportive in his own way, but will also be the voice of reason and sensibility when I get stressed or expect too much.) On top of trying to figure out a good schedule for homeschooling I will also still need to do all the regular household chores. I know its not impossible I just feel that it is going to take time to figure everything out and I am a person who likes immediate results of perfection. Within the next few days I am going to set an official start date for Preschool at the Fuchs Academy. Let our journey begin. I know that we will get it right by graduation. (Joke~Completely)

As for baby preparations, we had a delivery of baby clothes and our old infant car seat just yesterday. Jennifer was nice enough to bring back all of Wyatts old clothes we had given to them for their son and so I spent some time going through them and sorting them by size. We don't have many 0-3 month clothes for Mazlyn so we are going to be going to babies~r~us this afternoon to fill in some gaps of his wardrobe. We are also going to buy him a new swing.

And lastly we have some things we need to get and do for summer. The weather is beautiful and should be all week. We are looking to buy an air conditioner so that the kids and I aren't miserable all summer long in the house. We also need to buy the right materials to fix our make~shift outdoor spicket so that we can fill a pool for swimming. I'm planning on spending time outside as much as my pregnant body will allow. We are also buying an umbrella clothes dryer for the yard so that I don't need to run the dryer in the house and we can take another step towards a greener lifestyle. Of course this project will involve time, energy and cement so although I really want to be able to hang my laundry outside I'm not overly excited about the project that will make it possible. (Speaking of laundry, I am so behind AGAIN. My first goal for this week is to get it back under control and then I just need to keep it under control. 1 or 2 loads a day is a lot easier than 15 at once when I get behind.)

We are also on the hunt for two new bicycles. Alyvia has outgrown her 12 inch that her Aunt bought her just last year and of course it was pink and white so Tom and I don't really want to pass it down to Wyatt. So we are looking to buy Wyatt his first (and only) *NEW* bike. And for Alyvia, after a considerable amount of convincing, we are looking to buy her a new boys 16 inch so that from now on we will only need to buy one new bike of every size and it will hopefully make it through all three of our children. She will get the bike new but it won't be pink and tassled with butterflies and stars. I feel it makes it fair to everyone. Just my theory but I've convinced the Daddy now too.

So, I guess we have a lot going on. I can't believe I have a four word title that actually encompasses all of this stuff. I'm excited though, for Mazlyn, summer and starting the homeschool process that I have been talking about for years now. We are finally going to start the next phase of our lives. Wish us all luck!!

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Been Busy!!

We have been busy just enjoying life. Wyatts Birthday party on Mothers day actually worked out better than I had anticipated. We made his cake ourselves and I was very pleased with how it turned out.

It was rainy and crummy outside so we spent the entire time in the house but it worked out great because the guest were spread out just right to where we weren't ever feeling crowded. Toms brother and his girlfriend and daughter spent a lot of time here which was really nice because we don't get to see them often. We got to enjoy company from 1-9 and we actually got to socialize and enjoy our time with everyone.

I started my "job" scoring at a local dirt track that is about ten minutes down the road on Saturday. It is totally different from scoring the asphault races but I really enjoy how close the track is to home. I also enjoyed being away from my kids (as terrible as that sounds) but, I don't ever get any time to myself around here so... I will take it even if I have a job to do while I am gone. I also made $50 so I feel like a positive contributer to the household.

Sunday we spent the entire day outside. We played with toys, got the flowers and plants for our garden planted, Daddy mowed the lawn, we went through and threw away a ton of stuff that we no longer need in totes under the house and we even got the outdoor spicket project started. I really enjoyed the fresh air and as soon as we came in both of the kids crashed on the couch leading to some Mommy and Daddy alone time. Talking and snuggling while watching some tv together. Very nice.

The week so far has been okay. I'm so tired and we still have 7 weeks left of this third and final pregnancy. But, I am just trying to rest whenever I can. The problem is I can't trust my children for a second. So needless to say I am not able to nap or even rest during the day. Not to mention my house that has gone to you know where. I'm waiting for the whole nesting phase to kick in so that I can get this place cleaned to within an inch of its life. Lets just say we have A LOT to do before baby comes. We need to clean clean clean in general but then we have our bedroom to move around and organize and I want all the cupboards cleaned and organized and yet I have no energy to take on these projects at this time. Maybe next week.

We will get it all done and we will bring Mazlyn home to the perfect home. I have faith.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Lyvi amazes me daily (nightly).

Now I will be the first person to admit that Tom and I made the BIGGEST mistake of our parenting careers with Alyvia. We co~slept with her from day one and paid for it till about a year ago. Getting her out of our bed was torturous to say the least. Bad habits are hard to break especially for a 3 year old. She had a toddler bed that worked for a few days and then she ended up sleeping on the couch for months. She would fall asleep on the couch but still end up in our bed before nights end. Then we traded her toddler bed for a twin size bed, made a huge deal out of her picking her own sheets and how "Big" she was having a "big girl bed". We also started working on changing our routine. Trying to get her to sleep at 9 instead of 11 and putting her to sleep in her own room. We have had pretty good luck and she only ends up in our room when she is sick or when she is "scared".

So all this is just leading up to the punch line of last night. I was having a HORRIBLE night. I couldn't get comfortable for the longest time and then the brownie I ate before bed started giving me the worst heartburn ever. I was too hot and then I was too cold and I had a headache (probably from the heartburn) that I could hardly bare. I had finished my prescription for my Zantac yesterday and I really needed some so I woke Tom up and asked him to go outside to my van to get my other bottle of meds. Him being the ~perfect~ husband that he is actually got up and went out in the pouring rain to get me my medicine. He brought me a glass of water and my pill and then crawled back into bed.

Now I was sitting up in bed waiting for my medicine to kick in and basically falling back to sleep when around the corner in the hallway comes........

I don't know if Tom woke her with the door when he went out to get my medicine or if she had a bad dream or if her allergies woke her up but, who knows how long she was in her room "playing beach". She found her bathing suit and put it on over her underpants and was so proud of herself. I was completely baffled. I just let her climb in and go back to sleep. What a silly kid!!

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Wyatts Birthday!!

I am so excited for Wyatt Thomas' 2nd Birthday today!! I feel that I have been so blessed by him because he is so perfect and well mannered. He loves to snuggle~buggle with his Mommy and he is just so incredibly good. {God please let Mazlyn be just like Wyatt.}

We don't have much planned for the day. A trip to the store for a few different things and then we will be coming home to wait for Grandma and Grandpa Winter to come for a Birthday visit.

Wyatt has gotten a ton of Birthday wishes on Facebook so we know how popular he is. And we are waiting for the Birthday phone calls to start rolling in, starting with Daddy momentarily. I really hope we can make today special and then continue to prepare for his Birthday party on Sunday. Loving my Birthday boy more and more everyday!!

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Loving my life!!

Todays post is about how grateful I am for this life I have been given. I have these two perfect children that actually love to snuggle with me, the perfect husband that shows me affection at all the right times and who knows his responsibilities to this family and continues to help out around the house even after he goes to work everyday to support us. My Mom is amazing and I consider her my best friend (tied for best with my little sister actually). Speaking of her, she is so smart and unique. I love the person she has become over the last 19 years. I am so grateful to still have my Daddy here after the scare last year and I am glad that my parents are still happily married and giving Tom and I something to look forward too. Also, I have this extremely busy baby in my tummy. I know he will just complete this family.

We have a home and two vehicles and tons of other family that love and support us. We have plenty of food,clothing, toys and books. A dog that is actually moving out of the puppy phase (I think) and lots of LOVE!!

This is all coming from the morning that we have had. It started with Tom getting up to get ready for work. He got dressed and then actually picked up the living room for me so I didn't have to do it before the kids got up. Then as I was laying in bed Radar actually came in and barked to tell me he needed to go outside. I took him out and then I came to my clean living room to watch the news. As always there was nothing great reported but, shortly thereafter Wyatt came down the hallway. He saw me and ran to my lap. I picked him up and sat him under the blanket with me and he told me "Love you Mommy". My heart melted. Then we changed the channel to PBS and watched together for an hour till his sister came out of the bedroom and took over my other leg. I sat for about 40 minutes just thanking God for blessing me with these two perfect babies. I teared up thinking about what I would do if anything ever happened to one of them and then I just started thinking about everything in my life that I have to be grateful for.

Happiness is everything and I have happiness galore!!

Monday, May 3, 2010

Busiest Weekend

We had so much to do this weekend and only half of it got done but, we spent it all together so who cares right?? Friday night we went to the Grange Anniversary party and enjoyed time with family and other Grangers. Saturday morning started early as it always does with gymnastics. Wyatt and Daddy participated in their session and then Wyatt and I left and headed to the doctors office.

I have been concerned about him playing and messing with his left ear (that he had an infection in 3 weeks ago) so after two weeks I finally made an appointment and took him in. He is so well behaved. He acted a little shy at first (just like his Daddy) but, then he did an awesome job. We didn't see our regular doctor but the lady that we did see was very nice. She checked out his ears and then removed a ton of wax from his left ear which was the one I had been concerned with. She said it was a little red but no infection. She then checked his throat and that was also a little red so she asked to do a strep culture. It came back negative so she just told us to go on with his allergy meds and if he spiked a fever to call again. We are going to try using mineral oil to lessen the amount of wax buildup inside his ear. I clean around the outside of his ears 2-3 times a week but, I don't feel comfortable cleaning inside of them. Who knows??
We got home about the same time that Daddy and Lyvi did and we then played outside for a few hours while Daddy mowed the lawn and fixed the lawn mowers. We ended up with two little ones with sand all in their hair so it was off to the shower. We then had to head out to Lyv and Wys cousins 6th birthday party. What a trip. I'm terrible in crowded places with my children and this place was more than crowded.

The kids had fun but, Tom and I did not. Lyvi got trampled and banged up and I was ready to leave about 10 minutes after arriving but we survived the whole two hours and then left. All the cousins were going to play in the sandbox where Uncle Jason works so we decided to head up there so the kids could play and Tom could ride go~karts and hit golf balls at the driving range. I was just excited to have social hour with the fellow Mommies.
Sunday morning we all slept in till 10am. Then we got up and lazied around for two hours and then we headed to Lowes for some needed supplies. When we got home Wyatt was napping so Lyvi had a chance to do her new Dora puzzles. She did such a great job and was so proud of herself. I love watching her try and succeed at new tasks. That is something that I am looking forward to with homeschooling. Hopefully my kids will enjoy it as much as me.

We had a late night last night because Wyatt had napped so long but, altogether we had a good nights sleep and Daddy is now at work and here I sit. I'm looking around at all the things that need to be done before my parents come for Wyatts birthday on Wed and then the birthday party on Sunday. I better get going.

Friday, April 30, 2010

Terrible thing this blog

This being my first blog I wanted it to be meaningful so I have been thinking about what I should write about and what the title should be. Now, I am 7 1/2 months pregnant with Mazlyn right now so sleeping isn't happening very much as it is but, I spent most of the night thinking about this first blog. And all blogs to come. I want them to be based on my family and with that comes house cleaning and keeping, our dog Radar, homeschooling from the beginning (preschool to start any time now), marriage and children, extended family and friends (the few that I have). This is going to be done as often as I can and I will invite anyone to read it. Hopefully someone can find inspiration from knowing that they are not alone in this crazy thing called life. I experience frustrations and pain along with any other wife, mother, daughter, sister and friend. I'm hoping this doesn't turn into my venting wall but that it will record all of our families highlights and challenges throughout our blessed journey. Till next time!! ~Shylo~