Tuesday, December 6, 2011


So, the excitement is great at the Fuchs house right now.  We are planning on selling our house and moving into a new one that is double the size and even has a garage.  Tom is excited about the garage and the kids are excited about having their own bedrooms to decorate however they would like and I am excited about everything!!  This is a big step into the next phase of our lives.  This will be the forever home we have been looking for and I couldn't be happier.  The hard part is getting our current home ready for showing.  I can't even call the realtor until we get the house in perfect order.  This entails removing 3/4 of our belongings and taking them to be stored, repainting all of the rooms that we have personalized over the past 5 years.  (ex. pesto green kitchen, electric blue boys room and pretty pink girls room).  And cleaning EVERYTHING!!  We will do it.

Will all this going on our Christmas celebrations have been scaled down.  We are not decorating for Christmas this year because we have realized over the years that we are never home on Christmas to enjoy our tree and lights anyways.  Also Christmas decorations and ornaments are very personal and we are trying to remove the personal from our home at this time.  We are still doing our Advent calendar and we will be celebrating with our families who are setting up.  I think we will survive.

Alyvia is doing well in her homeschooling although we could be doing better.  We are behind and I am not sure how to get caught back up.  The interest is just not really there for her and I feel as though we may need a break.  Now is a great time for that break though because of all the cleaning, packing and holiday engagements we have.  Hopefully after the new year when the house sells (fingers crossed) we can pick up and cruise through to first grade.  This does not mean that we aren't doing school.... it just means that we are doing school less strictly.  We can't afford to get any further behind but we also can't afford to lose her this early in the game.  She is interested in learning to read but not interested in doing her phonics which poses a slight problem.  Working through it.

Mazlyn is starting to talk and run.  I am loving every minute because this is our last child but I am also trying to look ahead to the positive things like not having to change diapers or dress the kids anymore.  It will come in time I know and I am not wishing it away but I am trying not to be a sap thinking about the lasts all the time.  This is leading to great things.  All of this is leading to great things.

Wyatt is just as cute as ever and growing to be a very good kid.  I love his interest in things like reading, trains and me.  Sounds selfish I know but I like being the favorite.  Lyv has outgrown Tom and I and Mazlyn favors Tom so Wyatt is (and always has been) my little man.  Cuddle time with him is wonderful and happens many times daily.  He is amazing!!

Well, there is a quick update on what we are doing.  I am hoping that after we move and get settled in we can start blogging more regularly.  Lol.